AWS-CWI Courses
Welding Inspection Technology Training &
Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) Examination programmes
About American Welding Society (AWS)
AWS was founded in 1919 to advance the science, technology and application of welding as a nonprofit educational association. AWS services over 50,000 members worldwide consisting of engineers, educators, researchers, welders, inspectors, welding foremen, company executives and officers, and sales associates. Headquartered in Miami, Florida-USA, it is supported by a 1000-member staff.
AWS' certified welding inspector programme has been in effect for over 25 years and to date more than 36,000 professionals have been certified.
Additional information on AWS can be found at
AWS certification is the welding industry's most respected sign of approval. Recognized throughout the industry as weldings leading authority, the American welding society, has demonstrated their commitment to bring industry the best and most reliable educational and certification programmes tailored specifically for each circumstance and the need of the job
Top of pageAWS-CWI Courses at in Calcutta.
Our organizing AWS-CWI courses in Calcutta. With practical training and practice exams offered during the training, attendees can be confident of receiving the most specialized preparation needed to expand their knowledge base, improve their inspection skills and work with diverse fabrication, inspection & testing codes, standards & specifications industry wide. Our approach to education and training will provide an intense week of preparation that will not be found anywhere else. Seminars and materials are provided in various languages to facilitate attendees' needs.
The Certified Welding Inspector (CWI) programme
If every employee or contractor hired came with an objective stamp of approval, we would never need to worry about deploying someone under qualified again. By specifying personnel who are AWS-certified, you:
- Minimize failures and recall
- Uniquely increase sales advantages over foreign and domestic competition
- Save money on training and testing
- Maximize product liability protection
- Maintain desired levels of workmanship and quality, while improving productivity and efficiency for your company
Successful exam candidates become AWS certified welding inspectors, joining an elite group that share a worldwide defined level of proficiency. CWI's are entered into the AWS national register of CWI's, receive a wallet card, certificate suitable for framing, and a unique stamp for identification.
They are also listed in the AWS inspection trends magazine for industry reference and verification. These days, it takes more than just experience to be successful. It takes proof ! Proof of your worth and your ability. With AWS certification, you will never worry about losing your competitive edge, since proof of active practice or re-examination is required at the time of renewal or re-certification.You will join thousands of welding inspectors who have gone through the program for over 25 years. The AWS certified welding inspector programme is designed for welders, inspectors, technicians and engineers.