Course Assessment Examinations
The training will be followed by examination to ensure that the trainees have acquired adequate knowledge in the specific NDT method and skill in test operations. As per ASNT recommended practice SNT-TC-1A, the candidates for Level I & II certification programs should appear for the following examinations separately for each NDT method after completing the training course.
- General: Covers the basic principles, theory, applications of the specific NDT method
- Specific: Tests ability to read, interpret and apply specific procedure, code, specification for the method
- Practical: Hands-on demonstration of the ability to operate test equipment, perform specific calibrations and tests in order to find and report flaws of sample materials according to appropriate specifications or procedures and instructions
The examinations are administered by an NDT Level III examiner. The candidate qualification result in a passing composite grade of at least 80 percent with no individual examination having a pass grade of less than 70 percent.
Successful candidates will be awarded the certificates in the method certified maximum four week days after the examination, evaluating the examination results.
Those failing to attain the required grades should wait at least thirty days or maximum one year, if you want re-examination with in trirty day then, receive suitable additional training as determined by the NDT Level III examiner before re-examination. Nominal examination fee has to be paid for appearing for re-examination.