
Team Team Radiant NDT Service

Radiant NDT Service is the fastest growing certified to ISO17025. Established in the year 2002 by professionals, the organization is built NDT & Welding inspection expertise. At Radiant NDT Service, we follow corporate work culture and organizational ethics. We value every client at most, care for the quality of their products and believe in stronger customer relationship through quick and timely services. As a part of Customer Product quality improvement initiative, we organize Workshops on Nondestructive testing at the customers works to educate and improve the quality. Understanding the essence of quality in manufacturing processes ‘Radiant NDT Serviceians’ relentlessly strives to complete every project on time. 

The Guiding Forces Behind Successful Journey of Radiant NDT Service
Name: Goutam Kumar Deb
Designation: Co-founded Radiant NDT Services

Goutam Kumar Deb Calcutta based, India in the year 2002. A dynamic and enthusiastic  Engineer, NDT ASNT & PCN Level III UT MT PT RT VT  ET specialist and materials engineering expert. He has more than  25 years of professional experience in NDT inspection, welding inspection, mechanical testing, metallography, NDT Level III responsibilities, consulting, NDT technique establishing, effective NDT procedure preparation, validation and approval, ASME NDT process audits, Aerospace NDT, ASNT & PCN Training and Certification.
He having an experience in National & International with the professional with in Project Management, Welding & Inspection, Quality Control & Assurance (RTFI, UT & PAUT, TOFD, AUT of Plate & piping Welding Joints), Visual  Testing, etc.
Exposure gained through working across Refinery, Petrochemical, LNG, CNG, Hydro & Thermal Power Projects in the field of Fabrication, Erection, Modules, Barge, Rig & Land Rig, etc.
Coordination with third party inspection agency, NDT agencies e.g. (SGS, BVIL, Lloyd, D&V, DCPL, TUV, etc.).
Deft in preparing WPS & establishing PQR as per code/specification requirements, in line with project requirements.
Proficient in streamlining processes / procedures to facilitate robust Quality Management Systems.
Adept with welding procedures & welders performance qualifications as per International /National Codes & Standards
Meticulously performed material & NDT Inspection, before welding (Cutting, Weld joint Preparation & Fit up Pre-heat. Check) , during welding (welding parameter, inter pass temp, process), after final (weld visual, final inspection, NDT inspection, PWHT, weld profile, etc.), 
Demonstrated abilities in managing various operations as per the set parameters & standards, steered efforts towards visual inspection / failure pattern all types of refinery equipment necessary NDT for evaluation and provided short term and long term solutions
Possess excellent analytical and planning skills with abilities in leading team members and institutionalizing, developing & inculcating the quality culture through core technical expertise in national and international Standards(AMSE,ISO, BSEN,JIS,DIN).

He is currently the Mentor and Chief Executive officer-CEO at Radiant NDT Services as well of Radidant NDT Group in India and  responsible for effective design and implementation of training and certification courses  of NDT Technology  for NDT Level I, II as per SNT TC 1A of ASNT and welding inspection training & certification courses. He is guest faculty for  Ministry of Skill development & Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India and working with various reputed Engineering and technology institutes & R&D Centers in India and abroad as a consulting expert to promote NDT & Welding Inspection technologies. He is also a renowned trainer for Entrepreneurship development programs, Faculty Development programs  at various engineering institutes. 

Name: Tapash Banerjee
Designation: Technical Development Manager in Advance NDT

Tapash Banerjee

Mr. Tapash Banerjee is a excellent knowledge of Engineering, ASNT NDT Level III in Radiography (RT), Ultrasonic testing (UT), Magnetic Particle Testing (MT), Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) from the American Society for Nondestructive Testing Inc.(ASNT).

 He has superior exposure to casting, Welding & Forging  inspection, also fabrication, in-service, maintenance, overhaul inspection of Aerospace components, Sugar & Cement plant machineries, pressure vessels, chemical plants, process plants and inspection of cross country petroleum pipe lines.

He is currently  a Member of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), Ohio, USA, Associate Member of Institution of Engineers (India)-Kolkata,  Life member and executive committee member of The Indian Society for Nondestructive testing (ISNT).

With intuitive leadership, customer centric activities and enthusiasm, he leads the organization, setting new targets in taking this organization to greater heights year after year. He is the Mentor and an inspiring personality for every Radiant NDT  group in discharging their duties to the complete satisfaction of clients.

Name: Chandan Ghosh
Designation: Technical manager NDT

Chandan Ghosh Chandan Ghosh:  He is a professional Nondestructive testing-NDT specialist  verious fields like Power plant, Refinearies, Petrochemicals with more than 20 Years professional experience in practical NDT, Welding inspections, critical inspection of process plants, third party inspection services, consulting and training on NDT & Welding Inspection.
He is a guest faculty for TWI, Foreman Training Institute, Ministry of Skill development & Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India for NDT and Welding Inspection certification courses and working with various reputed Engineering and technology institutes & R&D Centers in India as a consulting expert to promote NDT & Welding Inspection technologies. He is also a renowned trainer for WELDING.