
Solvent Removal Penetrant
Spotcheck® SKL-SP1 Solvent Removable Penetrant

Spotcheck® SKL-SP1 is a solvent removable penetrant offering maximum reliability in the detection of surface-open flaws and discontinuities.

Spotcheck® SKL-SP1 is a solvent removable (or post emulsifiable) red color contrast penetrant with outstanding penetrating characteristics. It offers maximum reliability in locating surface-open flaws and discontinuities and has been successfully used on non-porous ceramics and other similar materials.

Part Number and Container Size:

  • F01001 - 1 LTR
  • F01002 - Aerosol


Applications: Welds, Forgings, Pressure Vessels, Castings, General Metal Work, Leak Testing, Power Plant, Construction.

Classification: Type 2, Method B, C or D

Temperature: SKL-SP1 should be used at temperatures between 40° F to 125° F.

Penetrant Testing Images

Fluorescent PT